Open Door mission IMPACT ON ROCHESTER IN 2023

   MEALS PROVIDED IN 2023     


Pounds of Clothing Collected


pounds of food collected



“But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.  They will soar high on wings of eagles.  They will run and not grow weary.  They will walk and not faint”  

~ Isaiah 40:31

Dear Friends:


In 2023, Open Door Mission celebrated 71 years of serving the Rochester community!  Since 1952, we have provided emergency needs and hope to those who need a new start.  Our success in providing emergency care has been made possible through the dedicated support of our faithful donors.

In 2023, we distributed 549,217 pounds of food and prepared 116,337 meals for those in need. Last year brought a new and expanded clothing room located at 20 North Plymouth where we collected 334,568 pounds of clothing. Our Samaritan House Crisis Center kept its doors open 24 hours a day during the cold months to keep people safe from frigid temperatures.  This program provided 17,304 nights of shelter to those in need. We were also able to open a separate women’s shelter that provides beds to up to 20 women nightly.   

All of our success is a result of the help of our community.  There are many ways that you can continue to help us!  You or your group can host a food drive, lend a hand in our kitchen, lead a prayer service for our guests or help us serve meals.  We could also use your service in our clothing room. To volunteer, please email our team at


Thank you to all who have supported our efforts for the past 71 years! We look forward to serving even more people in 2024.  We are appreciative of your compassion and for your faith in Open Door Mission.   

God Bless,

Anna Valeria, CEO

Open Door Mission, Inc.



The Open Door Mission is a Christian Rescue Mission founded
on the belief that with proper resources hope can be restored
and lives of impoverished men, women and children of Rochester,
New York could be forever changed.